
AA– Algae Alliance • Network of Independent Algae Consultants. Robert Henrikson and Mark Edwards are the creators and developers of this International Algae Competition. – Algae Biofuels USA • a nonprofit organization, advocates for the adoption of advanced biofuels as an energy security, economic development, military flexibility and climate change solution. – Algae Biosciences • focused on unlocking the powers of algae. The first order of businessis producing omega-3 fatty acid oils for international customers in the nutraceutical and food additive sectors.

AIM – Algae Industry Magazine • Algae BioFuels & Co-Products. A.I.M. is the online trade publication addressing the growth and development of the algae biofuels and co-products industry. – Algal Biomass Organization • Renewable Commodities from Algae.

bamboocompetition.comInternational Bamboo Building Design Competition was an architectural competition for structural bamboo buildings, attracting registrants from 64 countries, submitting 250 designs. The website showcases the designs by building category. The book “Visionary Bamboo Designs for Ecological Living” featured many award winning building designs. The Bamboo Competition is the model for the Algae Competition. It was created by one of the founders of the Algae Competition, Robert Henrikson. – Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences… exploring the world’s oceans, from microbes to global ecosystems and seeks to understand key processes driving global ocean ecosystems.

boonsomfarm.comBoonsom Farm • Green Diamond Spirulina, Chiang Mai Thailand

earthrise.comEarthrise Nutritionals • World’s largest spirulina farm

Evodos logo SWEvodos BV. Separation Excellence. Totally Dewatering Algae. Alive. The ideal interface between growing and refining. It is Evodos’ mission to support our customers with the best products for mechanical separation at minimal energy consumption without chemicals or consumables.

greenindependence.orgGreen Independence • Discovering Algae’s Promise for our world

landartgenerator.org2010 Land Art Competition is a landscape design competition: “Renewable Energy Can Be Beautiful”. The goal of the Land Art Generator Initiative is to design and construct public art installations that have the added benefit of large scale clean energy generation. The webblog shows of some of the remarkable landscape designs. The prize for the winning design for this first international land art design competition which was held this year in the UAE, is sponsored by MASDAR.

NanoVLogoSNanoVoltaix (NVI) is an engineering services provider to the cleantech sector, focusing on commercialization of disruptive technologies and production methods. Nanotechnology offers solutions to the world’s resource problems and novel products for photovoltaics and biofuels.

nationalalgaeassociation.comNational Algae Association • Home of the Algaepreneur

phycobiosciences.comPhyco Biosciences • Super Trough Production System

roberthenrikson.comRobert • Green visions for an ecological future – • Feel the energy of Earth’s healthiest superfood

Spirulina Sourcespirulinasource.comSpirulina • Resources for algae, spirulina, and green superfoods. The book “Spirulina World Food – how this micro algae can transform your health and our planet.” Algae Culture Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. The Culture Collection includes 3,000 different strains of living algae, representing most major algal taxa. UTEX provides algal cultures at modest cost to a user community. Cultures are used for research, teaching, biotechnology development, and other projects throughout the world. This website contains a list of cultures maintained by UTEX, conditions for their long-term growth, information regarding the purchase of cultures.